Humanity & Professional Competence

In our company you will quickly notice that you are not just one of many customers. We know our customers personally and through our constant presence, whether by telephone, e-mail or in person, we try to give you the feeling that you are not just a file in the register. The combination of technical know-how and friendly interaction with our clients guarantees an uncomplicated and constructive cooperation. Our strategies are designed for the long term and implement comprehensive support – which is precisely why we enjoy the highest recognition among our customers.


The BACH GROUP is committed to changing the security industry from scratch and setting new standards for a safer future for society. Our constant striving for progress and development enables us to offer solutions of the highest quality which are inimitable and unique – particularly important in the security sector – and which set worldwide standards in this form.


One of our most important principles in our company is the honest and conscientious performance of our work. We guarantee transparent work processes and will never withhold or conceal information from our customers. In the event of disagreement during project planning, we are not afraid to present our professional opinion to you. We avoid oversized planning and find the optimal solution for your application.

Trust & Reliability

Alot of information is very sensitive and should be treated confidentially. For this reason we maintain a discreet handling of your personal data as well as the business information of our customers. For more than 40 years, we have mastered every challenge, no matter how difficult, and are always available to our customers as a contact partner. They have been placing their trust in us ever since, which for us is one of the most important elements for successful cooperation.

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